Gold Point Ghost Town, Gold Point Nevada

Gold Point Gleamings Newsletter




Howdy everyone!!!

 Yep, it’s time for another newsletter already.  Don’t know if anyone noticed but last month’s newsletter was the second #38.  That’s why this one is #40 so we can get back on track.

 First thing up to talk about is our Annual Day After Thanksgiving Dinner coming up in 18 days. 

We still have plenty of RV spaces and cabins available if anyone wishes to stay here a day or two or more and explore the back country. 

Dinner will consist of Turkey, honey ham, corn bread stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, candied yams with marshmallow topping, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, ass. chips, ass. Veggies and ass. Dips, pumpkin & pecan pies and Sandy’s homemade apple crisp with cinnamon crumble topping.  All you can eat for $15.00 per person.  Please let us know if you’d like to join us and how many guests you are bringing so we know how much food to make.

 I’ll send out a reminder again after Thanksgiving but we will be doing our Christmas card exchange again this year.  Yes, time is just flying by. 

Sandy is down to 23 working days before her retirement.

 Matt from the Las Vegas Sun newspaper came out a couple of weeks ago and did an article on us and was in their paper at the end of October.  If you’d like to read it please try the following link --

 Sheriff Stone will have a small part in a documentary about horses that was done by a Brazilian Tv Company.  The documentary is about the story of the horse and it impact throughout the world and time.  Our part was about the horses of the west and the old towns (now ghost towns).  It should be released sometime next year.  I will let you know when.  We are hoping to get a copy although I won’t understand any of it since it won’t be in English but I will be able to see how they edited Sheriff Stone into it.

The following is an excerpt from an e-mail this morning-- We are now producing a new series in Sweden with two of our leading female TV-personalities in Sweden. The concept of the show is "two gals on a road-trip through the U.S". One of the things we want to explore is a ghost town because we think that it’s fascinating with all the history that is still breathing through the old town.   I think I’ll give them a green light.  Sounds like it could be a fun visit!!!

Red Dog is doing a wedding this coming Saturday the 16th.  Expecting 40 or so guests to attend.  This will be family of both the bride and groom along with friends from our neighboring town of Goldfield.  The groom just happens to be the Commissioner from Goldfield who is one of Red Dog’s bosses until Dec. 16th which is her last day to work for the county of Esmeralda.  Red Dog is very proud to do this for her boss and his lady.

 If anyone is interested in getting hitched in a ghost town please let us know.

Last month we had 9 Model A Fords with about 15 people stop by for lunch.  They all looked beautiful and restored to their original looks.  I believe the years were from 1928 through 31.  They sure looked good in a 100 year old town.

 The following is an excerpt from Mike, a native of Tonopah, now in Texas, regarding last month’s newsletter when I talked about the Post Office and Senator’s home-- Thanks for the newsletter.  What a blast from the past when you mentioned Ora May and Ken Powell.  Ken was the school librarian in Tonopah.  He was my favorite teacher.  Dad used to operate the Goldfield tv translator on top of Mt Brock.  Goldpoint used to also get the signal.  If it went down Ora may used to call dad.  There were several times when the television station in Reno would sign off for the night at 1 am.  Ora may would call us at 1:30 to tell dad that it stopped working.  He told her that he would go up and fix it at 6 am.  When the station came back on at 6 am.  She would call dad and thank him.  Dad and Ora may were characters.  

 That’s about it on any new news about Gold Point so let’s talk about old news with another chapter in “Tales from the not so Old West” 

May 23, 1908 Hornsilver Herald Vol. 1 No. 3 

“Wanted-A Bank. The most pressing need that is now looming up is a bank.  The volume of mining and commercial business is becoming so great that a medium of exchange and place of deposit is imperative. This requirement will soon be greater even than that of a post office.” 

“Union Bakery.  The Union bakery, on Horn street, serves the best of break, cakes, pies, etc.  freshly baked daily, and delivered promptly.” 

“Feed Yard, Wood and Water.  The Hornsilver feed yard, in addition to caring for teams, has on sale both wood and water, and does a general express business throughout the town and to the mines.”

 “Parties coming from Rhyolite or Goldfield may travel from Cuprite by auto.  The old reliable Louie Kernek will bring you through in short order.  Saturday last was the banner day for incomers to Hornsilver.  Besides the three stage lines and the numerous persons on foot and in private conveyances, there arrived nine automobiles loaded.”

 “Fine showing on Passover.  Ingraham and Dilley have taken a lease on the Passover claim, owned by James Fowlie, W. W. Mendenhall and Barnes Bros.  the claim is situated a mile southeast of town.  The shaft is down sev3n feet, showing five feet of ore….” 

{ad} “Automobile Lines.  Between Hornsilver and Goldfield-$7.50; Between Hornsilver and Cuprite-$5.00  Strictly a home concern with first class machines that go the whole trip and won’t leave you stranded on the way.”

 “Hotel for Hornsilver.  Messrs. Scott & Zimmerman, without any preliminary flourishing, have quietly come into town with teams loaded with lumber and have just as quietly begun the erection of a two-story frame hotel, located on Orlean street between Third and Fourth avenues.  This, with the present lodging houses, and the large lodging house now building on Main street next to Hahers feed yard and the various restaurants existing and building, will afford ample accommodations for our rapidly growing population.”

 “Wednesday, the actual survey for the pipeline to bring water into Hornsilver was begun.  While this work is in progress, the development of the springs now considered to furnish the supply will be made.  The matter of financing the company has been arranged quite readily.” 

“Hornsilver’s First Dance.  The first ball at Hornsilver was held last night at the Lime Point restaurant.  It was certainly an enjoyable affair.  Music was secured from Goldfield.  Dick Welsh acted as floor manager, and the dance committee consisted of Dick Welsh, Harry Wiley, Harry Richardson, William Clayton, Matt Burke and D.A. Doherty.”

 “Hornsilver Drug Store.  The first stock of drugs was brought here by the Hornsilver Drug Co. nearly a month ago.  Dr. M.A. Michael is connected therewith, and will be in attendance for consultations on Fridays and Saturdays.”

 “Painting, Paper Hanging.  Stevens & McAfee of Goldfield have established a branch of their business on Silver street, near Third Ave., where they have a stock of paints, oils etc.  they are prepared to contract for house painting, paper hanging etc.” 

“Maher’s Daily Stage Line between Cuprite and Hornsilver.  Fare, $4 round trip-$7…” 

“700 Population.  The latest count of tents and frame structures give Hornsilver 220 habitations.  Many of these are lodging houses with capacities from 10 to 20 persons.  A reasonable average is between three and four persons.  Upon this basis we have estimated population of about 700.  That is not bad for five weeks.  And still growing”

 “Mr. Evans, of M. A. Maher & Co., says that about five carloads of lumber have been hauled into Hornsilver and that there are three more cars enroute.  Maher & Co. have two four-horse teams and one 16-mule team on the road constantly between Cuprite and Hornsilver, hauling lumber.  The teams make a round trip every other day.  Seventeen thousand feet arrived Wednesday.  The three care now coming in are for the Empire Lumber company, represented here by B. Milmo.  In addition to the building going up, several mining companies are consuming quantities of material.”

 “another new company.  The Lime Point Gold Wedge Mining Company has been organized with Bart McKnight, president, W.M. Zimmerman, vice president; H.F. Scott, secretary and treasurer.  The company owns two leases on the property of the Lime Point Mining and Milling company.  A mill run of 200 pounds returned values of $86.35 in gold and $3.40 in silver.  The lease includes the old shaft, 250 feet deep, with about 500 tons of ore on the dump that is believed to be of commercial value.  This is the deepest shaft in the district.” 

“Map of Hornsilver.  The Herald is in receipt of a convenient sized map, made by Cox & Ward, mining engineers and U.S. deputy mineral surveyors, showing Hornsilver townsite and all the additions that have been approved by the county commissioners…”

 “deal on Hyde property.  Mitchell & Fairfield, well known Goldfield promoters, are arranging to incorporate a company to develop the Hyde property, now held by O. B. Glover, Harry Ramsey and George Meacham.  Mr. Glover located the group, consisting of six claims, just previous to the Greenwater excitement…  Ore was shipped from the Hyde property about 30 years ago.  The old workings, 90 feet deep, have several stopes showing commercial ore.  Glover and associates have sunk a new shaft 80 feet.” 

“Grand Central lease.  Anderson, Templeton and Anderson report values of $11.50 in gold and 30 ounces in silver from their lease on the Grand Central, just south of the Great Western.  They are sinking on a four foot ledge.  The boys also own a group two miles west of town that shows excellent values at the surface.” 

“another stage line.  Kimball Bros. will put on a line of stages between Hornsilver and Stonewall, three miles from Cuprite, on the Las Vegas and Tonopah railway, carrying the mail and Wells Fargo express.  Fare from Hornsilver through to Goldfield will be $4.50, and round trip ticket5s $8.00  the stages will meet the morning train and leave in the afternoon to connect with the evening train from Rhyolite.” 

That should do it until next time. 

Thanks for reading.

 Happy Thanksgiving!!

 happy trails and sunsets

 Sheriff Stone and/or Red Dog Lil

The Music Of Gold Point

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Gold Point Gleamings Newsletter