Gold Point Ghost Town, Gold Point Nevada

Gold Point Gleamings Newsletter



Well the holidays and winter is now behind us. Of course you know we are doomed to repeat the same scenario later this year. Oh well.

It's that time of year again to be getting ready for the 8th annual Gold Point Ghost Town Memorial Daze.

Red Dog already has about 100 prizes to tag. I'm sure at least another 200 or so will be added to keep her busy. Last year we had over 500 when we were finished. I'm sure we'll be close to that again this year. Don't forget the 2 Henry rifles on top of that.

We've all ready had plenty of interest by individuals and groups. Most of them telling us that they are returning and bringing newbees with them. Hopefully the economy won't hurt us this year like the rain did last year. Three groups have all ready confirmed bringing in around 110 campers.

Awards plus in Pahrump is already working on the trophies, badges and medals.

The commercials by KNYE in Pahrump and KIBS in Bishop will be starting by the end of April.

The .45 colt Henry Big Boy and the .22 Henry long rifle Golden Boy has been ordered from Discount Firearms in Las Vegas.

Just e-mail us if you'd like a flyer about the event.

For those who wish to enter either the Dutch Oven or Chili Cook-off contests can get their entry forms by e-mailing us. You can also enter at the last minute if you wish.

Now an update on the Shabin.

In the last newsletter I had mentioned we found a piece of cardboard stating it was built in May of 1941 by W. C. Clark. That let me to believe he put two cabins together. I was wrong on that assumption.

I looked through my collection of early photos of Hornsilver and found a photo taken of the cabin back in 1908. It was originally the Gold Central Restaurant. It also was originally built as a two room tent building. Now I believe Mr. Clark just fixed up the inside of the building. Some one else had to of put the exterior wood on before 1941. I don't believe the canvas would have lasted from 1908 until 1941.

We have that 1908 photo on the computer if you'd like me to send you a copy of it to see.

When Dennis comes back up from Las Vegas we are ready to start covering the studs with drywall.

Stranger said he would be up by the end of April to start work again on Shangri La.

Now for some long awaited news.

BLOOD RIVER is now starting to show in select theaters.

The Hollywood premier in the Egyptian Theater was March 24th.

For the benefit of those who have no clue why this is important I will tell you. It was filmed on location in Gold Point in October 2007. They filmed in the Post Office and the Saloon and all around outside.

Red Dog Lil was in the film at the end of the movie. She even had a speaking part when she picked up one of the stars of the movie in a 1966 black mustang.

We were invited to the premier so we all went down.

Red Dog Lil was even invited to walk down the Red Carpet to have her picture taken by a mob of paparazzi and filmed and interviewed by other media. Sheriff Stone, of course, escorted her making sure nothing happened. Red Dog went dressed in her fancy Saloon outfit and I wore my badge and went as Sheriff Stone.

The movie has all ready won some awards from film festivals it has shown in.

We thought the movie and acting were very good. It is a psychological thriller. They sure made Gold Point look good on film.

They aren't sure when it will be released in theaters. We will keep you posted.

You can watch the trailer if you go to IMDB on search for Blood River 2009.

That about sums it up for happenings in Gold Point through the winter.

Now for some more news from "Tales of the not so old West"

The following is from Vol. 1 no.2 of the Hornsilver Herald printed May 16th, 1908.

"Drug Store for Hornsilver. W. N. Simpson and R. G. Kraeuter of Goldfield have leased the ground lying between the offices of Olmstead & Rich and the Hornsilver Townsite company and will at once erect a building in which to open an up to date drug store."

"Great Western Drifting. The hanging wall on the ledge has been reached on the 200 foot level in the Great Western, and drifting is now in progress..."

"Big Showing East of Town. Cosgrove and McNamara have made an excellent showing at a depth of 100 feet in a shaft on the Morning Star Property, Situated Three miles east of Hornsilver. ..."

"The most idle men in Town. The greatest exceptions in the busy burg are two of our professional men, our two doctors of medicine - Drs. Kirchen and Allen. So well are the people of the community that they are practically idle. Still, we need the skilled gentlemen and hope that they will remain with us."

"Miners' Union to Organize. The miners of Hornsilver are summoned to meet tonight, Saturday, in the rear of Fowlie's saloon for the purpose of organizing a union, which will be known as No. 224 of the Western Federation of Miners."

"The Frances Lime Point Mining company has been organized with W. B. Thomas, president; Dr. Frances E. Williams, vice president; J. Presott Dyos, secretary and treasurer; P. L. Duffy, director and mine superintendent. The company has secured a lease on Block 4 of the Sunset claim of the Lime Point Mining and Milling company, situated one and one-half miles east of the Great Western and also owns two claims east of town..."

"Hornsilver Realty is having a boom. Much activity in building and cornier lots are held at $1700 to $2000. Notwithstanding the bad weather, the business in town lots the past week has been surprisingly brisk, with prices rising by leaps and bounds. About two score transactions have been recorded. Cook & Fleming of Rhyolite purchased two lots. The proprietors of the Rhyolite Restaurant secure two good lot, and nearly everyone coming here with prospective business tendencies have obtained locations. For a camp a month old this is going some. The lowest price noted was $800 for a lot purchased three weeks ago for $75. If this rate is maintained, Hornsilver real estate will surpass the great Rawhide boom, especially as we have so much better basis for a prosperous town...."

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our newsletter.

We hope to see some of you here next month. Don't forget to e-mail us for the flyer and entry form.

Take care until next time.

Happy Trails and Sunsets,

Sheriff Stone &/or Red Dog Lil

The Music Of Gold Point

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